Ananda Griffin

From the Southside of Atlanta, Georgia, Ananda Griffin is a Philosophy Ph.D. student at the University of Connecticut. Ananda received her B.A. in Philosophy at Spelman College, Summa Cum Laude, as an Honors Program member, UNCF/Mellon-Mays Fellow, and Social Justice Fellow. In philosophy, Ananda’s focuses are Black Feminism, epistemology, moral psychology, affect theory, and embodiment. Continuing the work of other Feminists of Color before her, Ananda bridges the gap between philosophical conceptions of knowledge and feeling in her writing. Alongside her main studies, Ananda has interest in Native American philosophy, metaphysics of time, and philosophy of film.

Outside of philosophy, Ananda enjoys spending time with family and friends, playing her Nintendo Switch, and learning to make soul food.

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