Tracy Llanera
Associate Professor
PhD., 2016, Philosophy, Macquarie University, Australia
M.A., 2011, Philosophy, University of Santo Tomas, Philippines
B.A., 2007, Philosophy, University of Santo Tomas, Philippines
My research lies at the intersection of social and political philosophy, philosophy of religion, feminist philosophy, and pragmatism. I have written on the topics of nihilism, extremism, conversion, and the politics of language and resilience. I am also one of the founding members of Women Doing Philosophy, a global feminist organization of Filipina philosophers. Check out my website.
Llanera, Tracy, ed. Forthcoming. Resilience and the Brown Babe’s Burden: Writings by Filipina Philosophers (Routledge).
Llanera, Tracy. 2023. “Extremist Women and Fanaticism.” Fanaticism and the History of Philosophy, ed. Paul Katsafanas. (Routledge), 283-296.
Llanera, Tracy. 2023. “Rortyan Therapists, Pragmatist Engineers, and White Nationalist Egotists: A Reply to Critics.” Symposium on Richard Rorty: Outgrowing Modern Nihilism with Elin Danielsen Huckerby, Yvonne Hütter-Almerigi, and Paul Showler. Metaphilosophy 54.4, 453-460.
Llanera, Tracy. 2023. “The Misogyny Paradox and the Alt-Right.” Hypatia 38.1, 157-176.
Llanera, Tracy. 2022. “Response to Critics.” Symposium on Richard Rorty: Outgrowing Modern Nihilism, with Sergio Gallegos Ordorica, Kaitlyn Creasy, and Katie Brennan, The Philosophical Forum 53, 139-144.
Llanera, Tracy. 2022. “Pragmatism, Language Games, and the Philippine Drug War.” Philosophy and Global Affairs 11.1, 69-90.
Llanera, Tracy. 2021. A Defence of Nihilism, co-authored with James Tartaglia (Routledge).
Llanera, Tracy. 2020. Richard Rorty: Outgrowing Modern Nihilism (Palgrave Macmillan).
Llanera, Tracy. 2019. “Disavowing Hate: Group Egotism from Westboro to the Klan.” Journal of Philosophical Research 44, 13-31.
Llanera, Tracy. 2019. “The Brown Babe’s Burden.” Hypatia 34.2, 374-383.
Extremism and the Allure of Science, with Louise Richardson-Self and Anthony Morgan. The Philosopher (UK). Apr 2024.
“Tracy Llanera explains how extremist groups abuse women,” The Daily Campus, Feb 2024. “‘Better martyrs’: the growing role of women in the far-right movement.” The Guardian, Aug 2023. “The Misogyny Paradox and the Alt-Right.” New Work in Philosophy. Mar 2023. “Feminista Vaidosas” (in Portuguese) and “Vain Feminists” (in English), Special issue on Feminist Studies and Philosophy. Forma de Vida. March 2023. “The Ambivalence of Resilience.” Blog of the American Philosophical Association (APA), Public Philosophy. May 2022. “Yes, You Do Deserve a Little Treat.” The New York Times, Apr 2022. Interview with Tracy Llanera, I am an American Philosopher Series, Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy, Mar 2022. | | |
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