Ting-An Lin: Democratizing AI and the Concern of Algorithmic Injustice

Assistant Professor Ting-An Lin’s recent article “Democratizing AI’ and the Concern of Algorithmic Injustice” was just published in Philosophy & Technology. In this article, Dr. Lin examines the notions of democratizing AI in relation to lessening algorithmic injustice. You can read an excerpt from the abstract below:


My examinations reveal that while some versions of democratizing AI bear the prospect of mitigating the concern of algorithmic injustice, others are somewhat limited and might even function to perpetuate unjust power hierarchies. This analysis thus urges a more fine-grained discussion on how to democratize AI and suggests that closer scrutiny of the power dynamics embedded in the socio-technical structure can help guide such explorations.


Congratulations, Ting-an! You can read the full article by clicking here.