Graduate Students

Katie Peters: Featured in Feminist Philosophy Quarterly

Congratulations to graduate student, Katie Peters, for her article, “Not My Fault: Far-Right Women and the Exculpatory Narratives of Misogyny and Infantilization” for being featured in a special issue of Feminist Philosophy Quarterly! The theme of this issue is “Revolutionizing Responsibility.”

Check out Katie’s article: “Not My Fault: Far-Right Women and the Exculpatory Narratives of Misogyny and Infantilization”

Katie Peters: How Not to Excuse Far-Right Women

Please join us in congratulating Philosophy graduate student Katie Peters on her recent publication of “How Not to Excuse Far-Right Women” on the APA Women in Philosophy Blog. The essay explores the social responsibility of far-right women, as well as the subsequent consequences. You can read an excerpt from the article below:

Why focus on far-right women at all? I think that using the example of far-right women makes it easy to understand who exactly we are exempting from responsibility with the exculpatory narratives of misogyny and infantilization. By insisting that these women, too, are answerable for their actions, we can say that any woman, regardless of whether we agree with her ideology, has the potential to be called upon to answer for her actions and beliefs that harm others.


You can read the whole post by clicking here.

Congrats, Katie!

Tiana-Marie Blassingale: Jeezy’s Lessons from Adversity

Please check out an excerpt from Philosophy Graduate Student Tiana-Marie Blassingale’s new review essay, “Jeezy’s Lessons from Adversity”:

On the surface, it seems like Adversity for Sale is a collection of short stories about a young Black man as he navigates his way through the street life into a position of an established entrepreneur who is capable of providing generational wealth for his family by any means. However, seen through a philosophical lens, the book highlights a new perspective on liberatory virtues and vices. It’s a curation of epistemology, learned through lived experiences, not only by Jeezy, but also by many others in the book and the hood, more generally speaking. The book provides a glimpse into a rich body of knowledge, which could be referred to as “Hood Philosophy,” otherwise known as “street smarts” or “street knowledge.”

You can read the full essay on the Blog of the APA here.

Congratulations, Tiana-Marie!

Alexandra Stamson: Recent Conference Presentations

Congratulations to one of our graduate students, Alexandra Stamson, for her paper, “Moving Beyond-And-Within Binary Embodiment,” being accepted for presentation at the Hypatia’s Promise: Opening the Archives, Charting Feminist Futures conference.

Alex will also be presenting her paper, “Gender-Neutral or Gender-Forward? Considering Imaginative Engagement and Resistance in Gendered Fictional Narratives,” at the National Women’s Studies Association conference, as well as moderating two panels:

  1. Norms and Antinorms of Transnational Creative Resistance
  2. Creative Resistance in Mainstream Media: Norms and Antinorms in Fiction

Congratulations Alex!

Katrina Kish: Recent Conference Presentations

Congratulations to one of our graduate students, Katrina Kish, for her recent presentation at the Trust, Hope, and Rationality: Lung Early Career Conference where she presented her paper titled “The Role of Care in Trust.”

A week later, Katrina presented her paper “Good Will Hunting: Reconsidering Annette Baier’s Account of Trust” at the Salzburg Conference for Young Analytic Philosophy.

Congratulations Katrina!

David Rodriguez: APA Eastern Division and Hildebrand Project

Many congratulations are in order for David Rodriguez, whose paper “Character Growth Externalism: A View to Ameliorating Vice” being accepted for presentation as the 2024 APA Eastern Division meeting!

David Rodriguez has also been accepted into the Hildebrand Project’s Thirteenth Annual Summer Seminar on Gratitude as one of the keynote speakers!