
Mitch Green: Volume 51 of Philosophia

Congratulations to Professor Mitch Green on successfully completing Volume 51 of Philosophia as Editor-in-Chief. Furthermore, he has expanded the journal’s reach to a global audience by introducing the new subtitle: A Global Journal Of Philosophy.

You can find more information on the journal, it’s newest volume and issues, here.

Well wishes to you and your team, Mitch!

Expression and Self-Knowledge

Dorit Bar-On, Co-Author

Contemporary epistemologists and philosophers of mind continue to find puzzling the nature and source of privileged self-knowledge: the ordinary and effortless ‘first-person’ knowledge we have of our own sensations, moods, emotions, beliefs, desires, and hopes.

In Expression and Self-Knowledge, Dorit Bar-On and Crispin Wright articulate their joint dissatisfaction with extant accounts of self-knowledge and engage in a sustained and substantial critical debate over the merits of an expressivist approach to the topic. The authors incorporate cutting-edge research while defending their own alternatives to existing approaches to so-called ‘first-person privilege’.

Bar-On defends her neo-expressivist account, addressing the objection that neo-expressivism fails to provide an adequate epistemology of ordinary self-knowledge, and addresses new objections levelled by Wright. Wright then presents an alternative pluralist approach, and Bar-On argues in response that pluralism faces difficulties neo-expressivism avoids. Providing invaluable insights on a hotly debated topic in epistemology and philosophy of mind, Expression and Self-Knowledge:

  • Presents an in-depth debate between two leading philosophers over the expressivist approach
  • Offers novel developments and penetrating criticisms of the authors' respective views
  • Features two different perspectives on the influential remarks on expression and self-knowledge found in Wittgenstein’s later writings
  • Includes four jointly written chapters that offer a critical overview of prominent existing accounts, which provide a useful advanced introduction to the subject.

Expression and Self-Knowledge is essential reading for epistemologists, philosophers of mind and language, psychologists with an interest in self-knowledge, and researchers and graduate students working in expression, expressivism, and self-knowledge.

Cover of "Expression and Self-Knowledge" by Dorit Bar-On and Crispin Wright.

Thomas Meagher: “Loving Commitment to Another”

Check out UConn Philosophy Alum Thomas Meagher’s newest piece on the Blog of the APA titled “Loving Commitment to Another: A Reflection by way of Howard Thurman”. 

Romantic love, then, as a nominiously loving commitment to another—a particular other, and not just any other—can be understood as a discipline of the spirit, a mode of life creating its order so as to confront the daunting depths of existence.

You can read the full article here.