Peimin Ni: MLA prize winner

Peimin Ni’s Understanding the Analects of Confucius, A New Translation of Lunyu with Annotations. SUNY Press, 2017 has just won the 2019 Modern Language Association (MLA) Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for a Translation of a Scholarly Study of Literature. Peimin received his PhD in Philosophy from UConn in 1991. The citation of the award reads:

Peimin Ni’s new translations in Understanding the Analects of Confucius build on and challenge a wide array of previous translations, which, at times, seem to contradict one another because of important transactional issues in translation that reveal how translation is both a product and a process. While comparing his solutions to those of other translators and employing commentary with extensive annotations of the text, Ni demonstrates his deep understanding of Confucius and various strands of Confucianism. This monumental work features a detailed and informative introduction as well as a presentation of the key terms in the Analects that have led to conflicting interpretations or additions of words to clarify the context. Ni has produced a scholarly yet surprisingly readable text for a nonspecialized audience.