Professor Len Krimmerman Honored by Alumni

From left to right: professor and department head Lewis Gordon, emeritus professor Len Krimmerman.From left to right: emeritus professor Don Baxter, emeritus professor Len Krimmerman, Alumna Patricia O'Rourke.

Philosophy Professor Emeritus Leonard I. Krimerman was celebrated on Saturday, August 6th, by alumnae/i from the Inner College project he mentored back in the late 1960s.  The alumnae/i spoke of how his mentorship transformed their lives and contributed to the citizenship work they continue to do in their communities.

Here is a blog piece Professor Krimerman wrote on the Inner College:

The alumnae/i gave the Philosophy Department a plaque in Professor Krimerman's honor to post in the Student Lounge of the Philosophy Department.

Attending the event was former Head, Professor Emeritus Donald Baxter, Board of Trustees Professor Emerita Ruth Millikan, her husband Professor Emeritus Donald Shankweiler, a student, Dr. Patricia O'Rourke, from the Philosophy of Education and Community Engagement course and project Professor Krimerman co-organized, the current Head of the Philosophy Department, Professor Lewis Gordon, who also spoke in honor of Professor Krimerman, and a wonderful community of alumnae/i who have served in state government, community nonprofits, and a variety of grassroots projects.