Author: Russell, Cal

Ting-an Lin: AI, Normality, and Oppressive Things

Assistant Professor of Philosophy Ting-an Lin will be giving a public lecture a the Academic Sinica in Taiwan this Friday, December 13th. This talk is a part of their Beyond Gender: Diversity, Plurality, and Philosophy series. Professor Lin will also be joined by Assistant Professor Zhen-Rong Gan from Tunghai University and Hsiang-Yun Chen from Academia Sinica; they will be acting as the discussant and the moderator respectively.


Professor Ting-an Lin will be presenting her paper “AI, Normality, and Oppressive Things,” and you can read the abstract below:

While it is well-known that AI systems can be perniciously biased, much attention has been paid to instances where these biases are expressed blatantly. In this talk, I draw on the literature on the political impacts of artifacts to argue that many AI systems are not merely biased but materialize oppression. In other words, many AI systems should be recognized as oppressive things when they function to calcify oppressive normality, which treats the dominant groups as normal, whereas others as deviations. Adopting this framework emphasizes the crucial roles that physical components play in sustaining oppression and helps identify instances of AI systems that are oppressive in a subtler way. Using instances of generative AI systems as the central examples, I theorize three ways that AI systems might function to calcify oppressive normality—through their content, their performance, and their style. Since the oppressiveness of oppressive things is a matter of degree, I further analyze three contributing factors that make the oppressive impacts of AI systems especially concerning. I end by discussing the limitations of existing measures and urge the exploration of more transformative remedies.


Congratulations, Ting!


Lewis Gordon: Londis Lectureship Speaker

On November 21st, Distinguished Professor Lewis Gordon presented his paper Freedom Relished, Freedom Feared for the James J. Londis and Family Lecture. Held at the 2024 Society of Adventist Philosophers conference, Professor Gordon speaks about the responsibility that comes with freedom, and that we must exercise our right to choice, despite the fear or insecurity that may accompany it. Gordon also suggests that in order to maintain a healthy society, we must communicate with one another despite disagreements: we need to “[develop] ways of living together on this every shrinking planet.”


To read the full summary article on the lecture, please see the Spectrum website.

Lewis Gordon: Black Consciousness

Check out Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor Lewis Gordon’s recent interview on the Overthink podcast on Black Consciousness. The episode discusses Professor Gordon’s book, Fear of Black Consciousness, as well as other works by race and philosophy scholars.

See below for a brief overview of the episode written on the Overthink website:

“Do you need black skin to be Black? How might concepts such as white privilege be limiting our understanding of how racism works? In Episode 117 of Overthink, Ellie and David chat with philosopher Lewis Gordon about his book, Fear of Black Consciousness. They talk through the history of anti-Black racism, the existential concept of bad faith, why Rachel Dolezal might have Black consciousness, and Frantz Fanon’s experience of being called a racial slur by a white child on a train. From the American Blues to the Caribbean movement of Negritude, this episode is full of insight into Black liberation and White centeredness.”

Congratulations, Lewis!

Lewis Gordon: The Honorable Shyne

Congratulations to Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor Lewis Gordon on his appearance in Hulu’s new documentary, The Honorable Shyne. The movie follows Moses “Shyne” Barrow, and his journey from famous hip-hop artist to Belizean politician. Below is an excerpt from the film’s synopsis:

This documentary provides an intimate look at Shyne’s personal evolution as he navigates fame, incarceration and a return home to Belize, where he finds new purpose and strives to lead his country to a brighter future.


You can watch the official trailer on Hulu’s YouTube channel.

Lewis Gordon: Final Installment in Spectrum Series

Check out the final installment on Spectrum‘s series on Distinguished Professor Lewis Gordon’s book, Freedom, Justice, and Decolonization. The final article, written by Maury Jackson, explores chapter seven of Gordon’s book. You can read the article, entitled “Irreplaceability and Bodily Resurrection: Adventist Philosophers Review ‘Freedom, Justice, and Decolonization'” on the Spectrum Magazine website.

Dr. Lewis Gordon will also be the featured lecturer at the November 2024 SAP conference this week.

Congratulations, Lewis!

Michael Lynch: Podcast Interviews

Congratulations to Dr. Michael Lynch on his two recent podcast appearances!

The first interview is the episode “Communicating Truth,” hosted by the American Associated of Biological Sciences on their Bioscience Talks podcast, where Professor Lynch talks about truth and misinformation.

The second interview is hosted by The Chasing Leviathan Podcast, where Professor Lynch discusses his the metaphysics of truth and his 2001 book, The Nature of Truth.

Lewis Gordon: Featured in Spectrum Magazine

Check out Spectrum magazine’s reviews of Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor Lewis Gordon‘s book Freedom, Justice, and Decolonization (Routledge 2021). Each article reviews a chapter of the aforementioned book. There are currently four installments in the series, which you can read below:

Africana Thought: Adventist Philosophers Review “Freedom, Justice, and Decolonization” – 1 by Yi Shen Ma

Re-Imagining Liberations: Adventist Philosophers Review “Freedom, Justice, and Decolonization” – 2 by Marlene Ferreras

The Problem with Justice: Adventist Philosophers Review “Freedom, Justice, and Decolonization” – 3 by Yi Shen Ma

Neighbor Love, Political Love, and Divine Love by Zane Yi


Congratulations, Lewis!