Please join us in congratulating Dr. Mary Gregg (Ph.D. 2022), winner of the Outstanding Instructor Award at Yonsei University's Underwood International College in Songdo, Republic of Korea!
Thomas Meagher: Remembering Robert L. Allen
Congratulations to philosophy alumni Thomas Meagher on publishing a new article on the APA blog’s Black Issues in Philosophy. The article, entitled “Remembering Robert L. Allen,” pays tribute to the Dr. Robert L. Allen, focusing on the history of his scholarship as a Black academic.
Thomas Meagher: On the Notion of Philosophy
UConn Philosophy Alum Tom Meagher’s (’18) new article, “On the Notion of Black Issues in Philosophy,” was published on the APA blog, Black Issues in Philosophy, last Friday. Among some names mentioned is our very own department head: Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor Lewis Gordon. Check out an excerpt from the article below:
In taking on Black issues, philosophy manifests its care for the maturation of knowledge by realizing philosophy’s significance to those who confront black issues not only as intellectual exercises but as impositions that imbue existence with tragic responsibilities that knowledge alone is insufficient to transcend. In short, black/Black issues are among those where the philosopher’s effort to deal with them may, in turn, make the philosopher’s work and labor more genuinely philosophical.
You can read the full article on the APA’s blog.
Congratulations, Tom!
Benjamin Nelson: Published in Journal of Modern Philosophy
Congratulations to Alumnus, Benjamin Nelson, for his recent publication in Journal of Modern Philosophy! Check out their article titled, “Hume’s “Of scepticism with regard to reason” and the Degeneration of Knowledge in Practice.”
Congratulations, Benjamin!
Mary Gregg: Accepted for Publication in the Canadian Journal of Philosophy
Congratulations to Alumna, Mary Gregg, whose “Depictive Harm in Little Black Sambo? The Communicative Role of Comic Caricature,” has been accepted for publication in the Canadian Journal of Philosophy!
Mary Gregg received her Ph.D. in Philosophy in 2022 and is now a Lecturer at Yonsei University, Korea.
Congrats, Mary!
Thomas Meagher: Myisha Cherry’s Failures of Forgiveness Review
Check out Thomas Meagher’s (PhD 2018) newest review essay: “Forgiveness, Obligation, and Cultures of Domination: A Review of Myisha Cherry’s Failures of Forgiveness”.
Below is an excerpt of the article, which you can read in full on the Blog of the APA here.
This diagnosis Cherry relates largely in the form of a discussion of the commonplace or “narrow” view of forgiveness. Cherry characterizes the common view as one in which forgiveness is, at heart, a means of letting go of anger. On such a view, the purpose or telos of forgiving must be to unburden the forgiver of emotions directed toward wrongdoers. Cherry shows, though, that this is an overly narrow conception of the emotional correlates of those contexts in which forgiveness is an option.
Congrats, Thomas!
Alumna Mary Gregg: New Book “The Untold Help of Harmful Visual Jokes: No Funny Business”
Congratulations to our fellow alumna, Dr. Mary Gregg, for her new published book, The Untold Help of Harmful Visual Jokes: No Funny Business, now available for purchase on Amazon!
Check out Dr. Gregg’s new book here!
Paul Bloomfield and Alumna Alycia LaGuardia-LoBianco featured in New Work in Philosophy
Professor Paul Bloomfield and Alumna Alycia LaGuardia-LoBianco’s article, “The Axiology of Pain and Pleasure,” has been featured in New Work in Philosophy!
Check out the article here!
Dana Miranda: APA Essay on Black Issues in Philosophy
Congratulations to our very own alum, Dana Miranda, whose essay “The Blacker the Madness: The Balmy Methodologies of La Marr Jurelle Bruce” has been recently published on The Blog of the American Philosophical Association.
Dana Miranda is now an Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Faculty Fellow at the Applied Ethics Center in UMass Boston!
Check out the essay here!
Thomas Meagher: “Loving Commitment to Another”
Check out UConn Philosophy Alum Thomas Meagher’s newest piece on the Blog of the APA titled “Loving Commitment to Another: A Reflection by way of Howard Thurman”.
Romantic love, then, as a nominiously loving commitment to another—a particular other, and not just any other—can be understood as a discipline of the spirit, a mode of life creating its order so as to confront the daunting depths of existence.
You can read the full article here.